New members are always warmly welcomed into our groups (above are a few Homeless Ministry volunteers packing snack bags). This page presents an overview of all our groups as well as links to webpages for the various groups (where applicable). If there is a blue box, click on the box to visit the group's web page.
To join any of our groups, email [email protected] or call the office at 978-452-6611 and we'll put you in touch with the Group Leaders.
St. Francis Parish Homeless Ministry
Serving the homeless in Lowell
Learn about our Homeless Group
St. Martha Bakers & Hospitality: Our team of bakers are notified by email when the parish requires refreshments for an event. They also bake for the monthly meals prepared by the Homeless Ministry for the Transitional Living Center in Lowell. When you receive the email, if you are able to help, great. If you cannot, catch us next time. No pressure! If you love to bake or help out with hospitality at the events, email [email protected] to learn more.
Arts & Environment Commission: Our A& E decorators beautifully adorn the altar, sacristy and other areas of the church according to each liturgical season. If you enjoy decorating or even just lending a hand, email [email protected]. Help is always welcome.
Music Ministry: If you enjoy singing and praising the Lord through music, you are encouraged to join our Music Ministry. We need new members! Two separate choirs sing at the 8am and 10:30am Masses. Practice for both choirs are on Wednesday evenings. For more information, please see Dave Keefe, our Music Director, after Mass, or email [email protected].
Prayer Shawl Ministry and Blessed Baby Blankets: These two groups use their skills in sewing, knitting or crotcheting to bring warmth and prayers to others. The prayer shawls are presented to those who recently lost loved ones or who are undergoing treatments for illness. The baby blankets (all shapes, colors and sizes) are presented to families who come in for Baptism Class (above photo). Both the shawls and blankets are blessed by Fr. Kevin. Email [email protected].
St. Francis Funeral Ministry: This group meets with bereaved families to assist with the choice of readings; attends wakes; greets at funeral Masses; writes cards to check in during the year and more. Should you wish to extend compassion to those who are grieving, email [email protected] for more information.
St. Francis Garden of Hope & Parish Garden Groups
Gardening for the hungry, beautifying our grounds
Learn more about Garden Groups
St. Francis Women's Connection
Faith - Friendship - Service for St. Francis women and friends
Learn more about Women's Connection
Men's Group
Saturday Morning Prayer and Fellowship
Learn more about Men's Group
Knights of Columbus #4225: The men of the Dracut Knights of Columbus meet the second Tuesday of the month at 7 pm in the St. Dominic Room. If you’re interested in helping those in need in your parish and community, strengthening your parish and your familial relationships and growing in your faith, consider joining the Knights of Columbus council. Email [email protected].
Stephen Ministry
Walking beside others in times of need
Learn more about Stephen Ministry
St. Francis Event Group: If you would like to help on occasion, sign up for our Event Group. We'll send out an email when help is needed and you may opt to join us or wait until next time. We host various events in the parish hall either in the evening or on a weekend. Email [email protected].
Weds. am Bible Study: Resumes on Nov. 9 -- this Bible Study is available both in person and through Zoom. It begins at 10am. For more information, email [email protected].
Rosary Prayer Group: .All are invited to join the St. Francis Rosary Group as we pray the Rosary after the 8:30AM weekday Mass (Monday, Tuesday and Thursday) as well as the Divine Mercy Chaplet (Friday). For information, email [email protected].
St. Francis Prayer Line: The Prayer Line is comprised of people who devote a part of their day at home or at church confidentially praying for others. If you would like to join the Prayer Line or have the Prayer Line pray for you or others, click HERE.
Exposition, Adoration, Confession
Designated Monday Evenings 6pm-7pm
Learn More about Adoration
St. Padre Prayer Group/First Saturday by Zoom: Once monthly on the first Saturday of the month, this group combines the Saint Francis Parish Padre Pio Prayer Group and the First Saturday prayer devotions along with the weekly rosary and the Divine Mercy chaplet at 7:00 PM on Zoom. All are welcome, even if they cannot make every weekly Zoom meeting; they are welcome to join in as their schedule allows.
The Meeting ID: 885 4061 3972
Passcode: 907813